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Taking Notes

Intervention Tutoring

No two students are alike.  Each is unique with individual strengths and needs.  Plus, each faces different expectations in school or in life. 

What type of help is right for you?

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Reading Intervention Tutoring Foundations

Students with dyslexia and learning disabilities often have difficulty translating print to speech.  They may need intervention in phonemic awareness, phonics, decoding, spelling and/or fluency. 

Reading Intervention Tutoring Comprehension 

The majority of students with disabilities, and struggling learners without identified disabilities, have difficulty understanding what they read.  They may need intervention to improve vocabulary and text comprehension. 


Academic Learning Tutoring

By middle school, students are expected to be independent and learn from textbooks on their own.  Reading and responding to textbooks requires instruction in multiple components simultaneously: building fluency, background knowledge, vocabulary and use of meta-cognitive strategies.  

Literacy Intervention Tutoring
Executive Function 

Individuals with ADHD and Autism often face reading and writing difficulties.  Setting goals, retaining and organizing information, managing time and resisting distractions are examples of skills important to success in school and life.  These and related skills are teachable. 

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Workplace Strategies and Accommodations

Adults who suspect that they have dyslexia often face hidden challenges in the workplace.  They may excel in some areas and be quite creative, but struggle to read emails, organize work tasks and communicate in writing.   Analysis of workplace literacy demands with recommendations for accommodations can be provided. 

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